Home Rhinoplasty – Enhance what you have!

March 29, 2017

Rhinoplasty – Enhance what you have!

Nose surgery is medically termed as Rhinoplasty and is considered as the most popular facial plastic surgery procedure in world.

Aim of Rhinoplasty is not to achieve perfection but result in a natural looking improvement in the appearance of the nose. The goal is to give a patient a natural looking nose that is well suited and complemented to the facial structure and symmetry.

Who is a good candidate for Rhinoplasty?

  • If your nose is not balanced proportionately to the rest of the face
  • A Nasal Hump or bridge on the nose
  • Nasal tip elevated/wide/drooping
  • Breathing problems (deviated septum) causing restricted or irregularities inbreathing
  • Nose out of alignment / Crooked or improperly shaped due to injuries, accidents or birth defects
  • Improve appearance of nose and overall aesthetic features

Recovery time

1-2 weeks. Swelling begins to diminish gradually. Over the next several months, there will be natural healing and remodeling process as the nose becomes sculpted and refined.

If nose surgery is something you have been considering, Rhinoplasty is something you should definitely opt for. It reshapes your nose, improves angles removing bumps and correcting any issues of nasal tips.

It is one of the best plastic surgery procedures to enhance your self-confidence and have a significant impact on patient’s personality.

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