Piles / Haemorrhoids

Piles/Hemorrhoids are often a cause of embarrassment for many. It is perhaps the most misunderstood and painful condition that many live with, without undergoing proper treatment or therapy. Piles are inflammation in tissues of the anal or rectum area. The tissue here is made up of soft blood vessels. The pressure exerted by adjoining tissues causes a rupture in this area, which can become inflamed and result in piles. Piles located 2 to 4 cm inside the anus are internal piles, while those that appear on the outside are external piles.

Itching or soreness in the anal area, pain while passing stools, a lump felt on the anus, bleeding etc can be the most prominent symptoms of piles. Based on the appearance, piles are classified into various grades, where grade 4 piles will form as painful lumps in the anal region. Severe cases that need emergency medical attention are thrombosed hemorrhoids formed as prolapsed and blocked by a blood clot.


  • Chronic constipation
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Pregnancy
  • Unhealthy diets
  • Sitting on the toilet for long time


  • A proctologist will advise changes like lifestyle and eating habits, in cases where piles are in the early grades and can be controlled without medical intervention.
  • Topical medications like creams, ointments, and pads can be effective in the early stages and can work on the symptoms of piles.
  • Pain medications are prescribed that reduce inflammation.

Some advanced treatment options include

  • Rubber band ligation:

    The proctologist will place an elastic band on the base of piles that are less than grade 4. The pressure cuts off blood supply to the haemorrhoid. which causes it to fall off on its own after a few days.

  • Sclerotherapy:

    An injected medicine causes the haemorrhoid to shrink.

  • Hemorrhoidectomy:

    With the help of local anesthesia, piles are surgically removed.

  • Hemorrhoidopexy:

    Blood flow is blocked to the piles by stapling of the rectum.

  • Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty:

    For grade 2 and 3 piles, this method uses laser beams focussed on the piles with the help of special radially emitting fiber, which causes vapourisation, resulting in shrinkage of piles.

  • Minimally-Invasive Procedure for Hemorrhoids (MIPH):

    This method uses a special device to remove a ring of tissue from the rectum that cuts off blood supply to the haemorrhoid. The patient can recover within 4-5 days after the procedure.

Our Doctors

Dr. Shailesh Matkar

Specialist General Surgeon



  • Are piles and haemorrhoids the same?

    Yes, piles and haemorrhoids are the same terms used for the abnormal mass of swollen and inflamed tissues of the anal region. They are extremely painful and can cause bleeding during bowel movements. It can be felt like a lump or mass near the anus. In advanced cases, they can easily hamper the daily life of the patient due to severe pain and anal bleeding.

  • What is the best treatment for piles?
    • The best Haemorrhoids treatment in Dubai depends upon the severity of the piles. They are classified into 4 grades. Grade 1 and 2 piles can be treated with medications, physiotherapy, and ayurvedic treatment but advanced grades 3 and grade 4 require surgical treatment.
    • Laser surgery for piles or haemorrhoids is painless and bloodless with minimum recurrence of piles after the surgery.
  • Are piles reversible?

    Yes, piles are a treatable, reversible condition. According to the progression of piles, right treatment by an experienced proctologist results in reversing the piles with minimum complications and without recurrence.

    Right diagnosis and proper treatment by our proctologists at MEDSTAR is what you need to remove piles permanently.

  • What is the diagnosing procedure of the piles?

    Piles diagnosis includes a detailed medical history followed by a clinical examination of the anus and, if needed a digital examination and a scope is inserted to examine the anal canal. For the exact diagnosis of piles, MEDSTAR provides the service of anal digital examination like Proctoscopy and Colonoscopy. This helps our doctor to finalize the best piles treatment option for our patient.

  • What is the newest surgical technique for haemorrhoids treatment?

    Stapled hemorrhoidectomy is the newest and most effective surgical technique for haemorrhoids. In this procedure, tissues surrounding the piles are removed surgically which results in decreased blood supply to haemorrhoids and finally, haemorrhoids shrink permanently.

    It is an extremely safe method permanently treating haemorrhoids without pain, bleeding, and bowel incontinence complications.

  • Is piles surgery necessary?
    • The necessity of surgical treatment of piles depends on their progression and severity. Mostly, grade 3 and grade 4 prolapsed bleeding and painful piles condition require surgery to reverse them.
    • Also, piles surgery is necessary to stop the further progression of piles and their complications.
    • Consult our proctologist and suitable treatment as per the condition of piles severity.
  • What are the most common symptoms of piles or haemorrhoids?
    • Internal haemorrhoids and grade 1 haemorrhoids are asymptomatic and resolve on their own usually.
    • Grade 2, grade 3 and grade 4 haemorrhoids symptoms:
      • Itching and sore anal area
      • Pain and discomfort while passing stools
      • Lumpy mass in the anal area can be felt during or after a bowel movement
      • Bleeding during or after a bowel movement
  • Is there a loss of bowel control after Piles surgery in Dubai?

    No, there is no loss of bowel or stool control after piles surgery at MEDSTAR. Piles surgery simply removes the haemorrhoid tissue and there is no damage to the sphincters controlling the anal movement. Piles condition is not related to anal sphincters. So there is no anal sphincter involvement while doing surgery for piles.

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