Hypertension Clinic

Hypertension is commonly known as high blood pressure. Hypertension requires a high level of lifestyle and diet changes, along with constant medication to keep the pressure levels under control. Any form of stress or anxiety can easily raise the pressure levels in such patients, and can pose serious threats to life. Blood pressure is the pressure of blood on the walls of blood vessels. Measured in mmHg (millimetre of mercury), it gives two readings – the higher one represents pressure on the arteries when the heart contracts, and the lower reading is for when the heart is relaxed. Ideal blood pressure is measured as 120/80 mmHg. When a reading is above 135/85 mmHg, it is considered high blood pressure and if the level reaches 180/120, it is called hypertension. If left untreated, hypertension can lead to stroke, heart failure, vascular diseases, aneurysms, and more.


  • A family history of high blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Kidney disease
  • Obstructive sleep apnoea
  • Thyroid disease
  • Birth defects in blood vessels
  • Chronic medical conditions


  • Lifestyle modifications
  • Improved diet plan
  • Active lifestyle
  • Medications
Advanced treatments include:
  • Diuretics, to help kidneys eliminate sodium and water to decrease blood volume and reduce blood pressure.
  • Angiotensin-converting enzymes, to help relax blood vessels by blocking the formation of natural chemicals that narrow blood vessels.
  • Beta-blocker medications to widen blood vessels that reduce pressure on the heart.
  • Aldosterone antagonists medications that reduce salt and fluid buildup.
  • Renin-inhibitors, which slows down the production of renin and enzymes that increases blood pressure.
  • Vasodilators that prevent the muscles on the walls of arteries from tightening.
  • Central acting agents to prevent the brain from signaling the nervous system to increase heart rate and blood vessel constriction.

Our Doctors

Dr. Saadallah Kassem

Specialist Internal Medicine



  • What is hypertension?

    Hypertension is defined as constant high pressure exerted by blood on the walls of blood vessels of the body. Clinical reading of 140/90 mmHg or above blood pressure is considered hypertension. Mostly it is discovered after its complications show up, otherwise, it is asymptomatic in most cases.

  • Can hypertension be cured?

    Hypertension is a chronic condition of the high pressure exerted by blood on the walls of blood vessels. It can be managed by:

    • Taking medications regularly
    • Regular blood pressure monitoring
    • Active lifestyle
    • Maintaining healthy body-weight
    • Diet changes like low intake of sodium
    • Treating the underlying cause of the high blood pressure
  • Will lifestyle changes help in managing hypertension?

    Yes, lifestyle changes help in managing hypertension. Lifestyle changes or modifications are advised by the doctor before starting medications for high blood pressure. When blood pressure is not controlled by lifestyle modifications, then medical treatment is started. Lifestyle changes include:

    • Active lifestyle
    • Maintaining healthy body-weight
    • Diet changes like low intake of sodium
    • Quitting smoking and alcohol consumption
  • What are the side effects of medical treatment of hypertension?
    • Medications used for the treatment of hypertension have the following side effects:
      • Cough
      • Diarrhea or constipation
      • Diarrhea or constipation
      • Erection problems
      • Nervousness
      • Headache
      • Nausea or vomiting
      • Skin rash
      • Weight loss or gain without trying
    • Most of the side effects are mild and subside with time. In case of severe or constant symptoms, consult the doctor.
  • What are the complications of high blood pressure?

    High blood pressure is a serious health condition and can lead to dysfunction of the brain, heart, kidneys, and blood vessels. Complications of hypertension are:

    • Brain Stroke
    • Heart attack
    • Heart failure
    • Aneurysms – rupture of blood vessels
    • Peripheral vascular disease
    • Kidney disease
    • Complications during pregnancy
    • Eye damage resulting in vision loss
    • Vascular disease
    • Erectile dysfunction
  • How to manage hypertension?

    Hypertension is a chronic medical condition with serious complications but it can be managed by:

    • Medications
    • Active lifestyle
    • Maintaining healthy body-weight
    • Diet changes like low intake of sodium, adding more fibers
    • Quitting smoking and alcohol consumption
    • Keeping sugar and cholesterol levels within normal range
    • Keeping sugar and cholesterol levels within normal range

    Consult our experienced doctors for guidance and support for managing hypertension.

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